Thursday, August 26, 2010

August 26- Kampala and Ddegeya

So the crates aren't ready today, and I'm not sure they'll be ready before we leave. But they might get through- it depends on if the Uganda National Board of Standards (UNBS) needs to check the solar panels or not. Usually they do, but because these are donated by BP, it is possible (and according to our customs agent, probable) that the crates can be let through without inspection. When the crates do go through, either Tess or John needs to be there to pick them up from customs. So, since it is so unclear, Tess is waiting in Kampala for more news and hopefully for the panels, while Shavi goes back to Ddegeya to continue actually being useful. Tonight Tess will stay with Angela's parents and Angela will come to Kampala to join her tomorrow. We are preparing for the possibility that Tess will not go back to Ddegeya, which makes Tess a little sad, but if the crates don't come, might be necessary.

Last night, Tess and Shavi had a good time staying at Red Chili's, a hostel in Kampala. We played every card game we could think of, and had burgers and french fries (Shavi had a fish burger, I had beef). This morning we decided on our plan forward, found out that Shavi can go to Amsterdam without a visa (yay! He wants to go explore on our 5 hour layover), and found a rolex stand (a rolex is chapatti and egg and some veggies), so it was a good morning.

Back in Ddegeya, construction of the tank is still underway and making progress. All the material for gutters has been bought, and now needs to be attached to the house. The manual for the solar panel system is just about complete, and now needs to be printed out for John and Elliot and others at the clinic. Things are wrapping up as we try to make sure everything is done and explained before we leave on Sunday.

Let's hope for the best for our crates, and for the rest of our project as we wrap it all up!

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