After all the setbacks of the last
few days (malaria, John leaving), we had an amazing day today. We were able to do work on 2 houses, with
great success. The previous day, we had
toured the town to see different gutter systems already in place. We drew inspiration from these to create a
successful gutter installation today.
The look on Maama Mwanika’s face when she saw the water come out of the
gutters was incredible! It’s been great
to experience the gratitude of the villagers as they see tangible work
progress. We have received gifts of eggs,
ground nuts and avocados from the clusters.
How sweet!
We are hoping to finish the
remaining gutters tomorrow, and rework the gutters on Winnie Nampijia’s house
soon. On Sunday we plan to adventure
into Masaka for the majority of construction process for the rest of the
summer. Miss everyone back home!
-Kevin <3
Team: great to hear you are resolving the gutter situation. Ideally, PVC would be best for all the applications but, as we know, nothing in Ddegeya is ideal. Good ideal to survey other houses. Thanks for the nice comments on my departure. Im very happybto have had the opportunity to work with you and have confidence your motivation will see the project to completion. I hope the malaria meds are working. I will talk to Nalan this morning and brief her on your needs. Eat more Matoka! - John