Tuesday, July 24, 2012


                Hello Again!  On Sunday, the team enjoyed a relaxing trip to Masaka with John (from the clinic).  We went to the market for fruits, veggies and other supplies.  Then we enjoyed an American meal of burgers from a Masakan restaurant.  Unfortunately, several members of the team (Kevin, Becca, John and Vanya) got food poisoning and were out of commission for a bit (Vanya is still a little out of it today).  After a “relaxing” day off on Sunday, we were back to work on Monday.  As a team, we decided to try to start the gutters of the houses first while waiting for the ring beams to cure.  This way, we would maximize efficiency.  On Monday, John and I (Kevin) went into Masaka to pick up the materials for the gutters while Becca, Vanya, and Deborah surveyed the sites and prepared them for construction (and slept).  Today (Tuesday), we started installing the gutters in two of the houses, and began digging the first hole! It was a very successful day until the rains started.
                We are very fortunate to welcome Leonia from Makerere University in Kampala.  She is a recent graduate in Construction Management, and has been a huge help both technically and with translating. We are also sad to see John leaving in a few days, but are excited to see Nalan again.

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